I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Meet Lazarus, a resilient cat who has overcome a remarkable journey. Once buried in darkness beneath the Queensbridge projects, he was fed through a tiny opening before a dramatic rescue brought him to safety. Now in a loving foster home, Lazarus enjoys sunlight, playful moments, and deep bonds with his foster mom and feline friends. Though initially shy around strangers, he thrives in calm, quiet environments, gaining confidence daily. Lazarus requires extra TLC, patience, and understanding to feel secure and loved. With continued care and attention, he will build trust and form a strong bond with his forever family. His past experiences make him a grateful and loving companion, deserving of a peaceful home to call his own.

  • Tabby & Tabby
  • Male
  • 10 Months OldMy DoB is 11/01/2023 (Estimated)
  • 5 Pounds
  • New York
  • Orange / Red & Orange & White
  • Playful & Inquisitive
  • Kids Scare Me
  • Not Tested With Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
  • House Cat
Special Needs (Emotional)
Calm Home/Quiet Environment Required
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